Friday, March 30, 2007


HAPPY BIRTHDAY JARED!!!!! I hope you have had lots of new "buggy" creations at your house. That little machine looks super fun!

It's Friday, pay day, first day of SPRING BREAK, and sunny outside....WOOT-WOOT! Party over here, party over there. I hope everyone has a safe and fun spring break. I'm excited to get the bikes out this weekend and just be outside....AND we get to sleep in tomorrow...NO SOCCER GAME!!! Hooray. So, yes Jenni DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT call me before 9:00 am on Saturday. :)

We are going shopping tomorrow for Easter dresses I think, so if anyone wants to go, it's game on.

Emma has officially declared that it is not fair that us working people should have to work too, when it is spring break, so she says she is going to make it spring break for everyone some day! Her disclaimer was anyone who doesn't teach kids, have kids, or is a kid, has to work. HAHAHA, sucks to be them. :)

Have a good one!

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