Tuesday, July 10, 2007

We are back from Higgins Lake and we had awesome weather! We hope everyone had a great 4th of July and it was safe. The kids went fishing, swimming, bike riding, bug catching, played flashlight hide & seek, swam some more, caught MORE fish, swam, made lots of smores, swam, made beaded jewels, ate hobo pies, did I mention SWIM!?!?!?!?

Emma and Uncle Mike have always had an ongoing competition of who can sleep-in the latest. Sometimes Mike wins, sometimes Emma wins....well.....they decided to have a tournament this week while camping and the loser had to buy the winner anything they wanted at Nibbles the ice cream shop. The winner was..................................... Emma.....so proud, yes, we are so proud! :) Her philosophy....stay up really late, late as you can and have a snack before you go to bed. Silly goose. So she decided to get the biggest thing a kid can get....a Jr. Banana Split....she had never tried one until then and wanted to see what all the hype was about. (See picture on the right) YUMMY!!!!!! She ate every last bite of it. Of course, we couldn't let her eat alone, so we ALL had ice cream! Better luck next time Uncle Mike!

Well we have a short week home...Although Emma is out at Camp Geneva. We are leaving again to camp for the weekend. no more marshmellows!!!! :) We tried new strawberry AND chocolate ones up at Higgins, ohhhhh soooo good. Well stay cool and find a pool, it's hot outside!

Marcia, also known as Mar-see-ah.

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