Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ohhhh...LUNCH LADY....Can I get a hair net? woot-woot

Do you remember hot lunch...nasty cardboard pizza, mystery meat burgers, but oh sooo yummy ham and cheese on bun. Well the days of never forgetting your lunch money everyday are sooooo over. I love technology and it never ceases to amaze me the new things that pop up to help in everyday life. I was quite impressed when my girls started school and they are given little scan cards when they choose hot lunch. The money is automatically deducted from their personal hot lunch account. You just had to send in checks now and then to make sure the money was in there. Well now, my dear friends.... they have gone even a step further to help manage these day to day things. You are now given a family account on and sub-accounts for each child. You can track their, dare I say lunch accounts, since they can now get breakfast at school also. Nonetheless, you just have to login and enter your information and BAM your child can eat hot lunch again. =)

I am seeing that sometime in the near future you will have automatic deductions from your checking accounts.... No more rushing to write a check 2 minutes before the bell rings to replenish the lunch accounts. Not that I've done that...hehehe.

Well ladies and gentlemen, enjoy lunch today and while eating ponder this thought....what was life like before technology???? WHOA DOGGIES.....Fortunately (or unfortunately???) our children will never know.

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