Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas Season Kick off

HALLELUJAH!!! I am done with exams and the entire Force family made it through the fall semester of Mom going to school. Now we can focus on the holidays. I was sooooooo excited not to read Biology or Management Concepts that last night, I read the first few chapters of three "normal" books. The Force's have decided that Mom will NEVER take 3 classes at the same time again. Phew...

I would really like to thank EVERYONE who attended the tea party, we now have all the presents bought for the Clancy Street Ministry families we sponsored. BUT on top of that Jen got 3 departments at GFS (although they choose to remain anonymous) =) to sponsor two more large familes and they pitched in more money so that we could buy 2 little boys brand new bikes. They will be sooooooo excited! Anyone that attended the tea party can come down on Saturday for the party at Clancy St at 1:00. That is when the parents get to pick up the presents and food donations. Jen and I feel it was definitely worth all the work when you see how much was done for these 5 families! GOD IS GOOD.

Have a great weekend friends and word of advice....stay away from the mall at all costs if you can. Darrin and I ran over there this afternoon.....MADNESS!!!!!

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