Tuesday, March 15, 2011

High School planning....really, REALLY?

We just finished writing up Ashley's four year high school plan...WOW, Darrin & I are getting old. =( It wasn't too stressful, since Ashley is pretty sure she knows EXACTLY what she wants to do. She also knows she will not be a business major and doesn't really care for math. Again, HOW can she be my child???? People have asked me what she wants to do and how can a middle schooler already know that? Not sure, but she has been saying this for awhile. She might have some changed variation of it in the end, only God knows.

Her goal and dream is to get her teaching degree, but to fulfill her longing to help out in the "unreached" part of the world and utilize her French learning. She wants to teach English in Southern Africa where the children are french speaking. Well ROCK ON girl and we support whatever and wherever God takes you.