Monday, October 7, 2013


We are so proud of this amazing young lady, Miss Ashley Clara!!!!  She has such a wonderful gift of great faith with a compassionate heart.  She did a wonderful job presenting her faith statement in front of church and filling us all with warm hearts for your future is full of God's promises & grace!!!  She is doing so many great things to further God's kingdom:  from mission trips, living it everyday, and now recently chosen to become a Youth Life Leadership in training.  Love this girl that we have been blessed with.

My Creed
I believe.
I believe that God is the creator of the world we live in and the heavens above us. 
I believe that I am sinful and that God sent his son to die for our sins, for my sins.
I believe that His love is everlasting and forgiving, that God puts the definition in glorious and shows patience to His children.
I believe with my whole heart in Jesus, the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

I believe that we are all sinful and only God can save me from it.
I profess this to you, because it is more than what I believe in…

It’s what I live for.

~ Ashley Clara Force

Saturday, September 28, 2013





Ashley & Emma both had an absolute blast with their friends at photo sessions, dinner, the homecoming dance, and bonfire afterwards.  Good fun and the ladies all looked fabulous!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Both our baby girls are in high school now.  WOW, does time fly by.  Just seems like yesterday that we were dropping them off at the elementary school, now Ashley is driving them to school!!!!  AHHH.  We are very excited to see where lives takes these two sweeties in the coming years.  Good luck girls...oh and GO DAWGS!!!!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Bridge Walk 2013

The Mackinaw Bridge Walk was a bit windy and chilly, but fantastic to check off the bucket list!!  I have wanted to do this since I was young and this was the year.  It worked out great and it was a wonderful weekend where we were blessed to welcome Jenni into Mackinac City after she was riding for four days on the Dalmac ride and we also spent Saturday on Mackinaw Island.  Good times with the family before heading back to school and the crazy busy schedules.  Happy Momma!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Watch the Road People...

We have a driver...I repeat, WE HAVE A DRIVER!!!  Ashley passed her test and wow was that a story of the maniac road rage tester.  You will have to ask her about it.  hehehe.  Nevertheless, she passed and is now driving and Mom-Chauffeur couldn't be happier.  Our baby girl is growing up, but she is ready.  Good luck Ash.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho...It's off to camp she goes...

Emmy was at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp for the last two weeks and having a musically magical time.  She was dropped off with Andrew G and thinking that she wouldn't know anyone and of course loved her cabin mates and made great new friends!! She went this year for voice, but is excited to go back next year for violin.  She wants to go back, Hmm, must of had a great time! :)