Thursday, March 8, 2007


The girls and I had our semi-annual teeth cleaning this morning. This was the FIRST TIME EVER that no one had any cavities or needed a tooth pulled. HOORAY!!!! Can I get an AMEN!
Emma was the first guinea pig on their new Apple Cinnamon flouride and she said it was great. She also got to have her Xrays taken digitally, which they use this little fatter digital reader in your mouth and apparently.......she has a major gag reflex. hehehe They said she did great considering the gagging and got the prints. The funny part is, I was down the hall and could hear her gagging, but after the 3rd time someone in the next room threw up....EWWW. So I was thinking OMG, what is going on, why is she throwing up!?!?! The gal said I think that was the gentlemen, not Emma and then we heard it again and luckily it was! PHEW. Kind of funny, gross, but funny :)

D is at his ISO training the next 2 days and is excited about not working in the shop, getting to eat out for lunch and not wearing his green meanies! Always nice to have a change of scenery.

We have conferences tonight for the girls and already have seen the report card and Ashley got $20 and Emma got $11. They both had improvements and gearing for all A's and Independents by Spring!!!! Ashley's conference will be very different this time, it is student lead and she has to do a powerpoint presentation for 15 minutes to show us what she has learned improved on and what she can do better in. Good luck Ash.

Have a great day, tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!

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