Wednesday, March 14, 2007

EYE love it!

This morning Emma and I got to dissect a sheep's eye in her science class. It was VERY cool! No one passed out, puked, or grossed out. Vitreous fun to say that. Emma liked cutting the Scerola (sp?) in half when we were done and looking at the pretty colors. She was actually quite eager to cut, probe, and touch it all. :)

Laurie and I fly out tomorrow for VEGAS!!!! We are very excited. If anyone is free on Saturday night, there is a Chili cook off at our church. It's a fundraiser for the youth going to Dominic Repulic this summer. It's $5.00 to get in and they also will have a silent auction running on things. Sounds like fun and I'm bummed I will miss it.

Later Gators.

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