Sunday, February 10, 2008

Rock on....

Saturday night was a BLAST. We dance like it was was a great time. We had a great group: Carol G, Julie M, Steve & Laurie, Dan & Amy, and Marcia. It was so funny to see some of the old fashions that we used to wear. Coco-Cola shirts, flourescents, MULLETS, fuzzy wide shoulder vests, Atari shirts, white washed jeans with matched jean jacket. Too funny....I attached a picture of Laurie and I who dressed up for the occasion as well. Steve had on an ACDC shirt and Carol was "punked" out. We all had sore feet from dancing. We are definitely planning another night out.

My sweetie couldn't make it though, unfortunately he hurt his back at work on Friday and could barely get out of bed, let alone head bang to the heavy metal time for SURE!!!!

Drive safe everyone, the roads are terrible out there and it's FREEZING cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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