Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Back to School....and chaos

The girls are back to school and both hitting milestones...

Ash is in HIGH SCHOOL now...I know, that's crazy! She is very excited for what HS brings and getting in the Homecoming spirit. We also just received the class ring packets, wowsers are those a little more pricey then when I was in high school! Ash is busy with her honors classes, soccer, working her new referee job, and keeping up with her social calendar. =) She is really finding her groove and loving high school.

Emmy is in Middle School and LOVING it!! She is very busy and likes her classes, despite having Science Topics first trimester. Her schedule is keeping her busy with tennis, dance, and lots of friend time.

This is definitely one of our busiest years yet and I'm sure somehow we will have a blast keeping up with it all, meeting new people, and experiencing new adventures. God bless your family during this school year!!!